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Our main objective is not only to recover the client’s money but also to try and maintain a good relationship between the client and its buyer in future.
We try to seek the client’s approval of all of our actions that may dramatically affect the recovery of the debt and the future relationship between the client and its buyer for as much as possible.
We know how we can find the existing and former managers and shareholders of a debtor. We always back the debtor’s hopelessness with hard facts.
Our specialists can offer various collection services to the client, from monitoring of payments upon sale of commodities to initiation of a bankruptcy procedure towards the debtor.
If a debtor is neglecting the repayment of a debt, commodity credit insurance companies are notified right away and the debtor may have their effective limits lifted with respect to other suppliers, even those that have obligations honoured in their regard.
If a debtor defaults in payment, we post the information about overdue payments in various databases that are available to the public.
Being a member of the Credit Management Group grants us a broader access to all sorts of information and databases.